

BECHTELSVILLE, PA August 29, 2016 . . . The banquet scheduled for November 19th celebrating the 54th anniversary of Grandview Speedway has been canceled.

        As most are aware track promoter Bruce Rogers suffered serious injuries as a result of an auto accident in Daytona Beach, Florida back in January. After a long stay in the hospital Rogers is now at home and does need constant care as he continues his recovery.

     With that in mind, knowing the amount of time and effort needed to prepare for the annual banquet, the Rogers family has decided it is best for Bruce and the family to take a year off from presenting a banquet.

            “It just would not be the same without him (Bruce) being there,” said track spokesperson Tina Rogers. “The banquet has always been a highlight of each year for my dad so if he can’t be there we will hold off on banquets until he can be part of it.”

            Point fund checks from the track will be sent in November and NASCAR will send their point fund checks, as usual, in December.

       “We appreciate the understanding of the situation by all involved with the racing at Grandview,” Tina continued. “We will be looking forward to the 55th anniversary banquet and my father being part of it.”

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